Lawyers in Geneva

PRA | Pont-Rouge Avocats

Your legal partner in Acacias

Make an appointment

Whether you are a business or an individual,

our multidisciplinary team of lawyers at the Geneva bar is at your disposal

to advise you and represent you before the civil, criminal and administrative courts.

By using our services, you benefit from the expertise of recognized professionals,

who are committed to defending your interests with pragmatism and determination.

We are here to support you in all stages of your file

and find the solutions best suited to your situation.

Our values and working methods

At Pont-Rouge Avocats, we are committed to providing quality customer service, with strong values that guide our daily work:


We believe in honest and open communication with our customers. We inform you of any document entering or leaving the study concerning you within 24 hours by email and provide you with complete transparency on the fees and foreseeable costs (see the fees and costs section on this subject) as well as on your chances of success.


We are at your disposal to answer all your questions and offer you personalized service. We acknowledge receipt of any email within 24 hours. Your lawyer's direct number is listed under their profile. Only if it is not reachable, after 20 seconds, your call will be redirected to telephone reception.


We have a pragmatic and transversal approach to effectively resolve your problem. We analyze your file in depth and work closely with you to find the best solution, adapted to your practical and legal needs.


We are proud to be able to offer consulting services in multiple languages, including French, English, German, Swiss-German, Spanish and Dutch.

Our team

Adrien Grangier


Trainee lawyer

Jean Labaume


Trainee lawyer

Our expertise

Legal disputes

Representation before civil, criminal and administrative courts.

Contract law

Negotiation, analysis and drafting of contracts.

Criminal Law

Instruction and conduct of proceedings before the Public Prosecutor's Office and the Criminal Courts.

Trade Law

Constitution of companies (SA, Sàrl, Foundations, etc.), legal advice to companies, shareholders' agreements, dissolution and liquidation of companies.

Legal profession

Disciplinary law, ethics, civil liability, legal assistance and fees.

Family law

Divorce, separations, protective measures, provisional measures, custody rights, pension (maintenance contribution), parental rights.

Competition law

Unfair competition, competitive relationships, market fairness, discrimination between competitors.

Administrative law

Disciplinary law, public service, administrative investigation, salary, salary, job evaluation, building permit, withdrawal of driving license.

Labor law

Dismissal, work certificate, remuneration – salary, vacation, mobbing.

Real estate law

Lease, rent reduction, management, construction, architect, business contract, real estate sales, neighborhood law, legal mortgages, densification, localized neighborhood plan, change of use, reserved areas, building authorization.

Prosecution and bankruptcy law

Order to pay, pursuit, release, sequestration, seizure, recovery.

Inheritance law

Will, legacy, legal reserves, executor.

Contact us


Monday - Friday: 07.30 – 19.30

Saturday: Closed

Sunday: Closed

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